Rajoy & immigration: right out of the Republican Party playbook

Rajoy & immigration: right out of the Republican Party playbook

Watching the debate tonight between Prime Minister Zapatero and the opposition leader Mr. Rajoy, more than anything I was struck by how the leader of the Popular Party got his moves from his Republican friends from across the pond. Shame on Mr. Rajoy for using immigrants as scare tactics. Shame on him for trying to divert attention from real social issues such as gender equality, gay marriage, assistance for the elderly, a raise in pensions and the minimum wage and stem cell research. Shame on Rajoy for trying to divide the people of Spain through xenophobia. And shame on him for copying these moves right out of the Republican Party playbook.

3 thoughts on “Rajoy & immigration: right out of the Republican Party playbook

  1. Shame of socialism of Mr Rajoy, who didnt offer no one cut public spending, no one less public programm. Indeed, it its neoconservatism= more demagoguery+ interventinionism (no different from liberalism). ZP no comments.

  2. Mmmm… Your commment sounds pretty simplistic to me…

    “Gay marriage” wasn’t a “real social issue” in Spain… Few people were claiming for it. And, worse, we had the without really debating the issue, wich is al least controversial and deserver an in-depth debate. No one scientist, doctor or social expert was consulted. It is possible that those laws were needed, but I think that debates are good, and proclamations are bad.

    The same for “stem cell research”. Now we know that all that fuss about embryos was nonsense: the way that’s working is experimenting with adult cells. Again, debate is needed, not shouting.

    And you cannot call Rajoy “xenophobic” for reclaiming a debate about inmigration. I’d never vote for him, but we have the right to discuss about it. You cannot label someone just because he or she puts on the table that we need some order in receiving and living with a lot of people that doesn’t share our democratic values (i.e., about women’s rights).

    I woudn’t vote for Rajoy nor Zapatero (thank’s God we have more options in Catalonia; plus, I read a poll in El Mundo website that people that are not voting for those two have a more satisfactory sexual life :-))) but still, I am not sure if we watched the same debate. We are are your ZP pom-poms?? 😀

  3. Well, I do admit to having a pair of red pom-pons hanging next to my desk 😉 Sure my post is simplistic because I’m criticizing one small point–the fact that he made some awfully racist statements during that debate and how this campaign tactic is very similar (and shameful) to what the Republican party uses in the United States. It’s diversionary and divisive.

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