What’s at Stake for Spain’s Global Image in the Dispute Over Catalonia

What’s at Stake for Spain’s Global Image in the Dispute Over Catalonia

MADRID—Catalan pro-independence leaders and the Spanish government have intensified their efforts to take their family feud global as 12 Catalan leaders are being tried before the Supreme Court in Madrid. This fight now goes beyond the October 2017 referendum on Catalonia seceding from Spain, which was declared illegal by the Spanish government, and the subsequent declaration of independence from Catalonia’s regional parliament. In what has become a pitched battle between dueling messaging campaigns, Catalan separatists have upped their rhetoric, casting Spain as a “low-cost democracy” and the trial in Madrid as “an alarming act of state repression.” The Spanish government, trying to protect its democratic reputation, is countering by pointing to Spain’s consistently high rankings in various democracy indexes.

Why does the world’s opinion suddenly matter so much in this internal feud? (read article in World Politics Review)

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